Case studies


Djøfbladet's CO2 footprint reduced by 36.3%

The trade union Djøf intensified its focus on the green transition and sustainability – and in so doing, calculated the organisation’s total carbon footprint – including their members’ magazine Djøfbladet.

The calculations subsequently formed the basis for Djøfbladet’s desire to optimise production of the magazine – with the aim of reducing its carbon footprint.


Stibo's calculations of our carbon footprint have been a key tool in Djøfbladet's efforts to achieve more sustainable production. In collaboration with Stibo Complete, we have used the calculations to find a solution that has drastically reduced our carbon footprint – without compromising on quality in any way – and it has actually also made our overall production more economical.

Dennis Christiansen

Editor-in-Chief, Djøfbladet

A piece of paper makes a difference

Djøfbladet originally wanted to compensate for CO2 production and counteract CO2 emissions by purchasing e.g. quotas or credits. However, we recommended that we carry out a climate calculation to map the carbon footprint of the total production and make it clear where optimisation would be achievable.

The study and calculations resulted in Djøfbladet choosing a different – and more environmentally friendly – paper for the magazine. A choice that reduced the magazine’s carbon footprint by 36.3% – without compromising on quality.

What is a climate calculation?

We calculate the total carbon footprint of your magazine or trade journal, taking into account the format, choice of paper and finish.

Based on these calculations, you can make more sustainable choices and significantly reduce CO2 emissions from the production of your printed matter – without compromising on quality, design or price.

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