
Print. Distribute. Repeat.

Reach your customers and increase your sales with high-quality advertising circulars for your special offers. We are with you all the way; from idea to the final distribution of your printed advertising materials.

Production and distribution

Working with Stibo Complete, you will see particular benefits from our large-volume production and attractive distribution prices.

Read more about logistics and distribution of advertising circulars.

We have what it takes; the experience, people and machinery to ensure you:

  • The possibility of short production times
  • Stable production
  • High security of delivery
  • High flexibility in terms of format and number of pages

We are stable, while remaining flexible to your requirements.

When working with us, you will be assigned a permanent project manager who will ensure that the production of your advertising circulars or printed advertising materials proceeds according to plan.

When your business undergoes changes, we are flexible and quick to adapt. We’re just a phone call away if you need to change or customise your files, right up to the time printing commences.

Make your advertising circulars more environmentally-friendly

Environment and sustainability are high priority at Stibo Complete. We are focused on constantly optimising our production, minimising waste and reducing our CO2 emissions. We call this Complete Care.

As a customer, you will receive ongoing advice about how to optimise production and choose materials and printing techniques that are more sustainable. This has the double benefit of making good financial sense, while sending a positive signal in the printed advertising materials you send out to your customers.

Receive a climate calculation of the total CO2 footprint of your printed materials.

We offer to calculate the total CO2 footprint of your advertising circular and use the result as a basis to advise you about how to minimise the environmental impact of your printed materials.


Production & printing



Production & printing


Just some of the things we can help you with:



Advertising circulars with special offers

Paper wrap



Direct mail

Morten B. Nielsen

Sales Manager

Søren Rygaard

Sales Manager