
Make movement. Make a difference.

Activate your messaging to win vote share.

Reach your voters with great election materials

Together, we will make your political messaging and causes come to life, allowing you to you reach voters and win their votes.

We have made it easy for you to be visible in your election campaign with complete election campaign packages that contain:

  • Election posters
  • Flyers
  • Leaflets

See here how we can help you with both standard and other kinds of election posters.

Win your election campaign with eco-friendly election posters

At Stibo Complete, we think it is very important to make a contribution towards ensuring that our planet healthy and well-functioning. This is why we use FSC© or PEFCTM certified paper for our printed matter.

FSC® is the acronym for the Forest Stewardship Council®. When you choose FSC for your election campaign, you are helping to support nature and the social conditions in the forests from which the wood, and thus the paper, is sourced. Specifically, this means that every time a single tree is felled to produce our printed matter, three new trees are planted.

Our folder presents all the FSC-certified election campaign materials we can provide.

688,466 trees have been replanted

We have been awarded a diploma confirming that SCA has replanted 688,466 trees for us in their own forests in just a single year to replace the paper we have purchased.

Over the next few decades, these trees will become larger forest areas that can contribute to retaining very large volumes of CO2. This is a long-term sustainable solution which we feel it is very important to support.

Win your election the green way, with FSC®-certified election posters.

Stibo has developed the first FSC®-certified election poster. Our election campaign poster is made primarily of paper that has been sourced from responsibly-managed FSC-certified forests and other controlled sources.

We produce our 5mm thick lightweight election posters to order in 60cm x 80cm format. They are designed for campaigners who want to win their election with green arguments!

Ready to start your campaign?

You are always welcome to contact our consultants to find out more about how we can help you.

Layout, DTP & photos

Production & printing

Layout, DTP & photos

Production & printing

Just some of the things we can help you with:

Election posters




Event materials

Printed banners

POS material

Distribution agreements

Henrik Heilmann

Sales Manager